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Frequently Asked Questions

Check out a few of our most common questions below from previous students and families. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll get you the information you need.

  1. Is this seminary just for people who want to be pastors?

While most people go to seminary in order to be pastors, others often attend seminary for a variety of reasons. Some attend to prepare for further graduate study in theology or a related field. Others plan to become professional counselors. There are even those who go to seminary simply to "test the waters" to see if ministry or further biblical study is for them.

2. How do I pay for seminary?

Most students pay for seminary using a combination of grants, loans, and work funds. In addition, FMI Biblical Studies & Seminary offers institution-based aid such as payment plans and federally funded grants as they become available. 

3. How long does seminary take?

It depends on the degree. A Master of Divinity generally takes three years while a more advanced degree, like a Master of Theology (which builds upon an MDiv), takes only a year. However, a doctoral degree can take anywhere from five to ten years.

4. What's the difference between seminary and divinity school?

The difference is that seminaries are independent or denominationally affiliated institutions whereas divinity schools are tied to universities and do not generally have denominational ties.

5. Do you have to be "religious" to attend seminary?

The vast majority of students at seminaries would count themselves as believers in God; however, it is NOT a requirement.

6. How difficult is it to get accepted?

Seminary admissions are competitive but not ridiculously so. FMI Biblical Studies & Seminary falls into the 50%-75%  acceptance rate.

7. Is seminary good preparation for further graduate work, a Ph.D. for example?

Yes, many people attend seminary and then pursue graduate or professional work in a variety of areas–not just theology or religious studies. Several attend law school or pursue graduate study in a related field such as philosophy, literature, history, or psychology. The versatility of a seminary degree makes it an excellent stepping stone to further graduate work.

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